Psychologist Carl Jung

A Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, was the professional who founded analytical psychology. Jung's work has been influential in many different fields that are regularly used today. These include industries such as psychiatry, archaeology, literature, anthropology, psychology, religious studies, and philosophy. 

What is Analytical Psychology?

Analytical Psychology, founded by Carl Jung, is a theory of the mind that emphasizes the importance of each individual having a wholeness to them. This is done by bringing together and better understanding individual experiences with recognition of broader truths and experiences. Analytical psychology is working towards an integrated human consciousness. 

What is Carl Jung Therapy?

Carl Jung Therapy was invented to work towards putting both parts of an individual together to create wholeness. It is best known as Jungian Therapy or the Jungian Analysis. It is an in-depth, analytical type of talk therapy. This was designed to bring the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind together. This is supposed to help a person feel more balanced and whole. Love and power come together to create a force inside the body once both of these sides of the mind know about one another. 

By using fantasy, imagination, dreams, and medication, the person is able to bring together the unconscious and conscious mind by bringing the unconscious mind upfront or present through narrative or action. Active imagination largely relies on a person's undirected observation of their imagination or even their dreams, not an intended image of their desires. This way, it is not controlled throughout therapy.

The process of this type of psychotherapy involves four different stages that you'd go through: 


The Power of the Unconscious 

As a founder and leader in the unconscious mind, Jung was the one who advanced the idea of both introvert and extrovert personality types. He also invented and furthered archetypes and the power of the unconscious.

These archetypes were believed to be the collective unconscious being expressed through universal concepts. These concepts are known as the archetypes. They can be different signs, symbols, or even patterns that are used. These come from and have been inherited from our ancestors. We don't even realize that we have or do them. They're more like instincts that we were born with and just do without knowing it or having our conscious brain aware of this. 

Further Research on the Theory

Further research on this theory is ongoing. Many professionals, psychoanalysts, and psychiatrists are all working towards providing more information on this specific theory. Our unconscious selves are a part of who we are. Not knowing that we are doing specific instinctual actions means that these things we do might be able to be changed, should we have the knowledge to know we are doing this. 

Once this knowledge is gathered, more information can be given on ways to make a person more content, full, and happy with themselves and their lives as a whole. Carl Jung was the leader in this specific type of psychology work that continues to shape the lives, minds, and views of everyone.