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Online Work Personality Assessment Details

Learn about the science behind the career test.

Discover your work personality strengths and best careers

  • Career Matches
  • Core Work Strengths
  • Income Potential base on Job Matching
  • Preferred Communication Method
  • Ideal Business Environment
  • Team Building Approach
  • Preferred Management Practice
  • Potential Weaknesses

Features of the career test

The assessment is comprised of 60 questions within an adaptive response system.

Feature career test

Deeper insight and context for each question for a more accurate response.

Progress Bar

Real-time response charts tracks corresponding personality trait frequency after each of their answers.

Binary answers adjust to four answer system if hesitance is detected.

Science behind the career assessment

There are 4 dimensions that contribute to the foundation of your personality at work

  • Energy
  • Perception
  • Decision Style
  • Planning Style

Work "Energy" serves as a fundamental aspect of how you interact with others in your career setting. Understanding your work energy will ensure that you can choose work environments that will energize you rather than deplete you. When you know what to choose for the right environment for your work energy, you will find that you are more inspired to work, more productive, and more successful. If your thoughts of work make you feel tired, it could be because the career doesn’t align with your preferred work energy. CareerFitter’s goal is to help you discover the careers that bring you energy when you are working.

How you perceive the world around you is a factor impacted by your personality. Your personality shapes not just how you perceive your work environment but also how you function within it. You have innate preferences for interacting with information in the workplace. For example, you may prefer hard facts and data, or you may prefer to work with abstract ideas and theories. Either of these can be a strong advantage when paired with a career that utilizes and benefits from your preference. Your perception also affects how you approach everyday tasks to problem-solving.

How you make decisions is an important process you engage in daily, regardless of your role, level, or position. The choices you make, the solutions you support, and the actions you choose to pursue significantly shape not only your advancement trajectories but your team and company as a whole. There are dominant personality lenses through which you evaluate scenarios, weigh your options, and ultimately make your decisions. It is important that this lens fits well with your career requirements. CareerFitter helps determine your primary decision-making preferences and strengths to guide you to the careers that require your preferences.

Planning is the step that moves you from intention to execution, and it is impacted by your disposition toward structure and spontaneity. How you plan when you are working - the methods you use to strategize, organize tasks, and allocate your time, is an important dimension of your personality on the job. Whether you are a meticulous planner or you prefer to go with the organic flow, your personality characteristics will determine how you navigate work challenges, opportunities, and influence your productivity. CareerFitter’s work personality assessment is designed to discover your planning preferences and integrate your results with your other dimensions to generate a holistic understanding of your strengths and best career choices.

Within these dimensions are characteristics of your
work personality

Outgoing and Sociable

How much interaction with others you require to stay energized?

Are you a person that looks forward to working in groups and frequently talking to friends and strangers? Your best career choice needs to foster these types of energy-producing interactions. This does not mean you don't need or like alone-time. Your usual preference for productivity involves being with or around others.

Reserved and Introspective

Do you look forward to working alone and having less interaction with clients and new people?

Are you a person that looks forward to working in groups and frequently talking to friends and strangers? Your best career choice needs to foster these types of energy-producing interactions. This does not mean you don't need or like alone-time. Your usual preference for productivity involves being with or around others.

Idealistic and Theoretical

This characteristic of your work personality considers how you perceive the world around you.

You prefer considering information from the 5 senses and asking questions like: What are all the possibilities here? How does all of this relate to the big picture? What is the deeper meaning? Your perfect career needs to foster and take advantage of your creative “all things are possible” thinking. You prefer variety, creativity, and problem-solving.

Factual and Realistic

This characteristic is related to how you perceive the world around you.

You prefer to trust what your 5 senses tell you. When this characteristic is dominant, you are a person that is more likely to be literal and concrete than imaginative and figurative. You will succeed in a career that fosters and takes advantage of your ability to yield tangible results. You do use your imagination and creativity but spending too much there might cause more frustration than fulfillment for you.

Objective and Analytical

This characteristic is connected to how you make decisions.

You are inclined to make decisions based more on what seems logical. You are a person that is more detached and impartial. You will succeed more in a job that fosters and takes advantage of your ability to be straightforward and composed. This does not mean that you will be unyielding or insensitive to the thoughts of others but your strength comes in making credible decisions based on the most convincing information.

Empathetic and Sentimental

This characteristic is also connected to how you make decisions.

The sentimental personality characteristic is inclined to make decisions based more on what seems kind-hearted. You are a person that is more sacrificing and accommodating. You will excel more in a job that fosters and takes advantage of your ability to be compassionate and understanding. You can be firm and just but your strength comes in realizing how your decisions will affect others.

Structured and Decisive

This characteristic is connected to how you manage your life.

The structured personality characteristic is inclined to thrive in an environment that is more planned and controlled. You're a person that likes closure and being deliberate. Your perfect job will foster and take advantage of your natural ability to meet deadlines and stay focused on the task before you. You can be flexible and spontaneous but your strength comes from sticking to fundamentals, keeping order and following through.

Flexible and Spontaneous

This work personality characteristic affects how you manage your life.

You are inclined to thrive in an environment that is more impulsive and unstructured. You prefer “going with the flow” and keeping your options open. Your perfect career will foster your natural desire to be adaptable and operate outside the strict deadlines. You are able to meet deadlines and live in an orderly manner but your strength comes from living outside the constant boundaries of structure schedules and demanding decision-making process.

Your assessment results uncover
your unique combination of
character strengths to
create your detailed
work personality profile.

Your career test results
Your assessment results
Your assessment results

Your assessment results uncover
your unique combination of
character strengths to
create your detailed
work personality profile.

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- Tammy G., Teacher

"Your website is great...That test really pegged me. It has been so hard for me everyday to do sales, I really have to get myself psyched up for it!! The Career Fitter profile helped me understand why. Thanks for the help."

– Jaime Cherry in Bakersfield, CA

"Well...I must say that careerfitter is spot on!!! It is so great to get the confirmation that I am indeed doing with my life exactly what I am supposed to do. It even covered a lot of my hobbies as well. Thank you so much for the added confidence!"

– Tracy Pettit, Actress

"This online career quiz is insightful and amazingly helpful!"

– Laura Hutchison

"It's where you should go before you start to blew me away! I would recommend your career personality test to anyone that is looking for clear direction."

– Patrick Nelson, Nelson Enterprises

"... exciting... the best career test and career tool I've found... I'm confident it will help take the guesswork out of your job search."

– Tyler Forte, C.F.O.

Free Career Report Sample

Free Career Report

  • How much money you can earn in careers that match your personality
  • Your core strengths applied in a work environment
  • Career fields you should consider
  • Number of specific careers that fit you
  • Your leadership and management style
  • Your work personality energy
  • Your group performance style
  • Potential weaknesses in your work personality
  • Your quest - "what drives your actions"


  • Best Career Choices For You
  • Your Personality Chart
  • Occupational Factors to Consider
  • Your Primary Strengths
  • Your "Work Personality"
  • Your Potential Weaknesses
  • Your Top 10 Best Personality Details
  • Your Top 10 Top Business Points
  • Your Preferred Communication Method
  • Your Ideal Business Environment
  • Your Team Building Approach
  • Preferred Management Practice

Bonus Resource Information

  • Famous People Like You
  • Career Videos of Careers that fit you best
  • Career Research Reports Detailing:
    • Salary Averages per Career
    • Education Required
    • Work Experience Required
    • Job Training Details
    • Career Demand Outlook
  • Famous People Like You
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