Radio, Cellular, and Tower Equipment Installers and Repairers
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Job Outlook
Overall employment of telecommunications technicians is projected to grow 6 percent from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations.
About 31,500 openings for telecommunications technicians are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.
Education Details
Summary of What they do:
Repair, install, or maintain mobile or stationary radio transmitting, broadcasting, and receiving equipment, and two-way radio communications systems used in cellular telecommunications, mobile broadband, ship-to-shore, aircraft-to-ground communications, and radio equipment in service and emergency vehicles. May test and analyze network coverage.
What Telecommunications Technicians Do
Telecommunications technicians, also known as telecom technicians, install and maintain telecommunications infrastructure. They set up and fix different types of devices or equipment that carry communications signals, such as internet routers and fiber optic lines.

Telecommunications technicians typically do the following:
- Install telecommunications lines or equipment
- Operate, maintain, or repair damaged or malfunctioning telecommunications lines or equipment
- Test telecommunications lines or devices to ensure that they work properly
- Keep records of maintenance, repairs, and installations
- Explain the use and maintenance of equipment to customers
Telecommunications technicians construct and maintain the infrastructure that transmits information electronically, often across great distances. They install and repair telecommunications lines and fiber optic cables. They also set up and maintain equipment that carries communications signals.
The specific tasks of telecom technicians vary with their specialization and where they work. The following are examples of types of telecommunications technicians:
Radio, cellular, and tower equipment installers and repairers install, repair, or maintain radio transmitting, broadcasting, and receiving equipment and two-way radio communications systems. These systems are used in cellular telecommunications, mobile broadband, and radio equipment in service and emergency vehicles. Radio, cellular, and tower equipment installers and repairers may test and analyze network coverage and troubleshoot solutions during network outages.
Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers set up and maintain various types of devices or equipment that carry communications signals, such as telephone lines and internet routers. Central office technicians set up and maintain switches, fiber optic cables, and other equipment at switching hubs, called central offices. These hubs send, process, and amplify data from thousands of telephone, internet, and cable connections. Central office technicians receive alerts about equipment malfunctions from automonitoring switches and are able to correct the problems remotely. Technicians who work at distribution centers for cable and television companies may be called headend technicians. Headends are control centers in which technicians monitor signals for local cable networks. Residential and business installers and repairers set up and repair telecommunications equipment, such as modems for internet and cable television services, in customers’ homes and businesses. They also may need to install aerial and underground wiring.
Telecommunications line installers and repairers install and maintain the cables used by network communications companies. Depending on the service provided—local and long-distance telephone, cable television, or internet—telecommunications companies use fiber optic and other types of cables. Telecommunications line installers and repairers use specialized tools to test and troubleshoot cables and networking equipment. Those who work with fiber optic cables must be able to splice and terminate optical cables.
Important Qualities
Ability to work at heights. Telecom technicians must be comfortable working at heights on lifts, telecommunications towers, and other elevated surfaces.
Color vision. Telecom technicians work with color-coded wires, and they must be able to tell them apart.
Customer-service skills. Telecom technicians who work in customers’ homes and offices should be friendly and polite. They must be able to explain to customers about maintaining and operating communications equipment.
Dexterity. Telecom technicians’ tasks, such as connecting components and using handtools, require good hand–eye coordination to avoid injuring themselves and damaging materials.
Mechanical skills. Telecom technicians must be familiar with the devices they work on and with the tools they need to install or fix those devices. They must also be able to understand manufacturers’ instructions when installing or repairing equipment.
Physical stamina. Telecom technicians must be able to climb ladders or towers with heavy tools or equipment, work on their feet for extended periods, and dig trenches for telecommunications cables.
Physical strength. Telecom technicians must be able to lift heavy tools, cables, and equipment on a regular basis.
Problem-solving skills. Telecom technicians must be able to troubleshoot and devise solutions to problems that arise when installing or repairing equipment or devices.
Tasks On The Job
- Bolt equipment into place, using hand or power tools.
- Calibrate and align components, using scales, gauges, and other measuring instruments.
- Check antenna positioning to ensure specified azimuths or mechanical tilts and adjust as necessary.
- Climb communication towers to install, replace, or repair antennas or auxiliary equipment used to transmit and receive radio waves.
- Climb towers to access components, using safety equipment, such as full-body harnesses.
- Complete reports related to project status, progress, or other work details, using computer software.
- Examine malfunctioning radio equipment to locate defects such as loose connections, broken wires, or burned-out components, using schematic diagrams and test equipment.
- Insert plugs into receptacles and bolt or screw leads to terminals to connect equipment to power sources, using hand tools.
- Inspect completed work to ensure all hardware is tight, antennas are level, hangers are properly fastened, proper support is in place, or adequate weather proofing has been installed.
- Install, adjust, and repair stationary and mobile radio transmitting and receiving equipment and two-way radio communication systems.
- Install all necessary transmission equipment components, including antennas or antenna mounts, surge arrestors, transmission lines, connectors, or tower-mounted amplifiers (TMAs).
- Install, connect, or test underground or aboveground grounding systems.
- Install or repair tower lighting components, including strobes, beacons, or lighting controllers.
- Lift equipment into position, using cranes and rigging tools or equipment, such as gin poles.
- Locate tower sites where work is to be performed, using mapping software.
- Monitor radio range stations to detect transmission flaws and adjust controls to eliminate flaws.
- Mount equipment on transmission towers and in vehicles such as ships or ambulances.
- Perform maintenance or repair work on existing tower equipment, using hand or power tools.
- Read work orders, blueprints, plans, datasheets or site drawings to determine work to be done.
- Remove and replace defective components and parts such as conductors, resistors, semiconductors, and integrated circuits, using soldering irons, wire cutters, and hand tools.
- Repair circuits, wiring, and soldering, using soldering irons and hand tools to install parts and adjust connections.
- Replace existing antennas with new antennas as directed.
- Run appropriate power, ground, or coaxial cables.
- Take site survey photos or photos of work performed, using digital cameras.
- Test batteries, using hydrometers and ammeters, and charge batteries as necessary.
- Test emergency transmitters to ensure their readiness for immediate use.
- Test equipment functions such as signal strength and quality, transmission capacity, interference, and signal delay, using equipment such as oscilloscopes, circuit analyzers, frequency meters, and wattmeters.
- Test operation of tower transmission components, using sweep testing tools or software.
- Transport equipment to work sites, using utility trucks and equipment trailers.
- Turn setscrews to adjust receivers for maximum sensitivity and transmitters for maximum output.

Your Assessment Results |
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89% | Dependability  -  Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations. | |
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88% | Attention to Detail  -  Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks. | |
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84% | Integrity  -  Job requires being honest and ethical. | |
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79% | Cooperation  -  Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude. | |
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78% | Initiative  -  Job requires a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges. | |
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77% | Adaptability/Flexibility  -  Job requires being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace. | |
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77% | Self-Control  -  Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations. | |
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74% | Stress Tolerance  -  Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high-stress situations. | |
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74% | Innovation  -  Job requires creativity and alternative thinking to develop new ideas for and answers to work-related problems. | |
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73% | Independence  -  Job requires developing one's own ways of doing things, guiding oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on oneself to get things done. | |
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73% | Analytical Thinking  -  Job requires analyzing information and using logic to address work-related issues and problems. | |
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72% | Concern for Others  -  Job requires being sensitive to others' needs and feelings and being understanding and helpful on the job. | |
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71% | Persistence  -  Job requires persistence in the face of obstacles. | |
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70% | Leadership  -  Job requires a willingness to lead, take charge, and offer opinions and direction. | |
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68% | Achievement/Effort  -  Job requires establishing and maintaining personally challenging achievement goals and exerting effort toward mastering tasks. | |
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55% | Social Orientation  -  Job requires preferring to work with others rather than alone, and being personally connected with others on the job. |
Your Assessment Results |
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100% | Realistic  -  Work involves designing, building, or repairing of equipment, materials, or structures, engaging in physical activity, or working outdoors. Realistic occupations are often associated with engineering, mechanics and electronics, construction, woodworking, transportation, machine operation, agriculture, animal services, physical or manual labor, athletics, or protective services. |
Your Assessment Results |
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56% | Achievement  -  Occupations that satisfy this work value are results oriented and allow employees to use their strongest abilities, giving them a feeling of accomplishment. Corresponding needs are Ability Utilization and Achievement. | |
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56% | Support  -  Occupations that satisfy this work value offer supportive management that stands behind employees. Corresponding needs are Company Policies, Supervision: Human Relations and Supervision: Technical. |

Your Assessment Results |
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72% | Problem Sensitivity  -  The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing that there is a problem. | |
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72% | Near Vision  -  The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer). | |
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60% | Deductive Reasoning  -  The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense. | |
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60% | Information Ordering  -  The ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule or set of rules (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations). | |
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60% | Arm-Hand Steadiness  -  The ability to keep your hand and arm steady while moving your arm or while holding your arm and hand in one position. | |
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56% | Oral Comprehension  -  The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences. | |
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56% | Manual Dexterity  -  The ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects. | |
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56% | Finger Dexterity  -  The ability to make precisely coordinated movements of the fingers of one or both hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble very small objects. | |
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56% | Speech Recognition  -  The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person. | |
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55% | Installation  -  Installing equipment, machines, wiring, or programs to meet specifications. | |
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53% | Written Comprehension  -  The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing. | |
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53% | Oral Expression  -  The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand. | |
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53% | Inductive Reasoning  -  The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events). | |
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53% | Category Flexibility  -  The ability to generate or use different sets of rules for combining or grouping things in different ways. | |
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53% | Perceptual Speed  -  The ability to quickly and accurately compare similarities and differences among sets of letters, numbers, objects, pictures, or patterns. The things to be compared may be presented at the same time or one after the other. This ability also includes comparing a presented object with a remembered object. | |
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53% | Control Precision  -  The ability to quickly and repeatedly adjust the controls of a machine or a vehicle to exact positions. | |
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53% | Extent Flexibility  -  The ability to bend, stretch, twist, or reach with your body, arms, and/or legs. | |
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53% | Speech Clarity  -  The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you. | |
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52% | Troubleshooting  -  Determining causes of operating errors and deciding what to do about it. | |
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52% | Quality Control Analysis  -  Conducting tests and inspections of products, services, or processes to evaluate quality or performance. |
Your Assessment Results |
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90% | Making Decisions and Solving Problems  -  Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems. | |
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87% | Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events  -  Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events. | |
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87% | Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Materials  -  Inspecting equipment, structures, or materials to identify the cause of errors or other problems or defects. | |
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86% | Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge  -  Keeping up-to-date technically and applying new knowledge to your job. | |
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84% | Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates  -  Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person. | |
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81% | Getting Information  -  Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources. | |
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80% | Operating Vehicles, Mechanized Devices, or Equipment  -  Running, maneuvering, navigating, or driving vehicles or mechanized equipment, such as forklifts, passenger vehicles, aircraft, or watercraft. | |
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80% | Repairing and Maintaining Electronic Equipment  -  Servicing, repairing, calibrating, regulating, fine-tuning, or testing machines, devices, and equipment that operate primarily on the basis of electrical or electronic (not mechanical) principles. | |
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79% | Processing Information  -  Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating, tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data. | |
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78% | Handling and Moving Objects  -  Using hands and arms in handling, installing, positioning, and moving materials, and manipulating things. | |
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78% | Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work  -  Developing specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work. | |
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78% | Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards  -  Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards. | |
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77% | Monitoring Processes, Materials, or Surroundings  -  Monitoring and reviewing information from materials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess problems. | |
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76% | Performing General Physical Activities  -  Performing physical activities that require considerable use of your arms and legs and moving your whole body, such as climbing, lifting, balancing, walking, stooping, and handling materials. | |
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75% | Working with Computers  -  Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information. | |
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74% | Documenting/Recording Information  -  Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form. | |
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72% | Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others  -  Translating or explaining what information means and how it can be used. | |
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72% | Communicating with People Outside the Organization  -  Communicating with people outside the organization, representing the organization to customers, the public, government, and other external sources. This information can be exchanged in person, in writing, or by telephone or e-mail. | |
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70% | Thinking Creatively  -  Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions. | |
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68% | Scheduling Work and Activities  -  Scheduling events, programs, and activities, as well as the work of others. | |
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67% | Judging the Qualities of Objects, Services, or People  -  Assessing the value, importance, or quality of things or people. | |
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65% | Coordinating the Work and Activities of Others  -  Getting members of a group to work together to accomplish tasks. | |
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65% | Drafting, Laying Out, and Specifying Technical Devices, Parts, and Equipment  -  Providing documentation, detailed instructions, drawings, or specifications to tell others about how devices, parts, equipment, or structures are to be fabricated, constructed, assembled, modified, maintained, or used. | |
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64% | Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships  -  Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time. | |
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63% | Training and Teaching Others  -  Identifying the educational needs of others, developing formal educational or training programs or classes, and teaching or instructing others. | |
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60% | Controlling Machines and Processes  -  Using either control mechanisms or direct physical activity to operate machines or processes (not including computers or vehicles). | |
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60% | Estimating the Quantifiable Characteristics of Products, Events, or Information  -  Estimating sizes, distances, and quantities; or determining time, costs, resources, or materials needed to perform a work activity. | |
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60% | Repairing and Maintaining Mechanical Equipment  -  Servicing, repairing, adjusting, and testing machines, devices, moving parts, and equipment that operate primarily on the basis of mechanical (not electronic) principles. | |
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59% | Analyzing Data or Information  -  Identifying the underlying principles, reasons, or facts of information by breaking down information or data into separate parts. | |
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56% | Guiding, Directing, and Motivating Subordinates  -  Providing guidance and direction to subordinates, including setting performance standards and monitoring performance. | |
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56% | Providing Consultation and Advice to Others  -  Providing guidance and expert advice to management or other groups on technical, systems-, or process-related topics. | |
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56% | Coaching and Developing Others  -  Identifying the developmental needs of others and coaching, mentoring, or otherwise helping others to improve their knowledge or skills. | |
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55% | Developing Objectives and Strategies  -  Establishing long-range objectives and specifying the strategies and actions to achieve them. | |
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54% | Performing Administrative Activities  -  Performing day-to-day administrative tasks such as maintaining information files and processing paperwork. | |
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54% | Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating with Others  -  Handling complaints, settling disputes, and resolving grievances and conflicts, or otherwise negotiating with others. | |
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54% | Performing for or Working Directly with the Public  -  Performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests. | |
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52% | Developing and Building Teams  -  Encouraging and building mutual trust, respect, and cooperation among team members. |
Your Assessment Results |
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94% | Face-to-Face Discussions  -  How often do you have to have face-to-face discussions with individuals or teams in this job? | |
?  ?  ?
82% | Work With Work Group or Team  -  How important is it to work with others in a group or team in this job? | |
?  ?  ?
82% | Spend Time Using Your Hands to Handle, Control, or Feel Objects, Tools, or Controls  -  How much does this job require using your hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools or controls? | |
?  ?  ?
81% | Importance of Being Exact or Accurate  -  How important is being very exact or highly accurate in performing this job? | |
?  ?  ?
81% | Telephone  -  How often do you have telephone conversations in this job? | |
?  ?  ?
81% | Electronic Mail  -  How often do you use electronic mail in this job? | |
?  ?  ?
78% | Contact With Others  -  How much does this job require the worker to be in contact with others (face-to-face, by telephone, or otherwise) in order to perform it? | |
?  ?  ?
72% | Wear Common Protective or Safety Equipment such as Safety Shoes, Glasses, Gloves, Hearing Protection, Hard Hats, or Life Jackets  -  How much does this job require wearing common protective or safety equipment such as safety shoes, glasses, gloves, hard hats or life jackets? | |
?  ?  ?
71% | Physical Proximity  -  To what extent does this job require the worker to perform job tasks in close physical proximity to other people? | |
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69% | Freedom to Make Decisions  -  How much decision making freedom, without supervision, does the job offer? | |
?  ?  ?
68% | Coordinate or Lead Others  -  How important is it to coordinate or lead others in accomplishing work activities in this job? | |
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67% | Structured versus Unstructured Work  -  To what extent is this job structured for the worker, rather than allowing the worker to determine tasks, priorities, and goals? | |
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67% | Frequency of Decision Making  -  How frequently is the worker required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization? | |
?  ?  ?
67% | Deal With External Customers  -  How important is it to work with external customers or the public in this job? | |
?  ?  ?
65% | Consequence of Error  -  How serious would the result usually be if the worker made a mistake that was not readily correctable? | |
?  ?  ?
64% | Outdoors, Exposed to Weather  -  How often does this job require working outdoors, exposed to all weather conditions? | |
?  ?  ?
63% | Impact of Decisions on Co-workers or Company Results  -  What results do your decisions usually have on other people or the image or reputation or financial resources of your employer? | |
?  ?  ?
63% | Indoors, Environmentally Controlled  -  How often does this job require working indoors in environmentally controlled conditions? | |
?  ?  ?
62% | Time Pressure  -  How often does this job require the worker to meet strict deadlines? | |
?  ?  ?
62% | Responsible for Others' Health and Safety  -  How much responsibility is there for the health and safety of others in this job? | |
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60% | Indoors, Not Environmentally Controlled  -  How often does this job require working indoors in non-controlled environmental conditions (e.g., warehouse without heat)? | |
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60% | Responsibility for Outcomes and Results  -  How responsible is the worker for work outcomes and results of other workers? | |
?  ?  ?
57% | In an Enclosed Vehicle or Equipment  -  How often does this job require working in a closed vehicle or equipment (e.g., car)? | |
?  ?  ?
52% | Exposed to High Places  -  How often does this job require exposure to high places? | |
?  ?  ?
51% | Very Hot or Cold Temperatures  -  How often does this job require working in very hot (above 90 F degrees) or very cold (below 32 F degrees) temperatures? | |
?  ?  ?
70% | Duration of Typical Work Week  -  Number of hours typically worked in one week. |
Work Environment

Telecommunications technicians held about 299,300 jobs in 2022. Employment in the detailed occupations that make up telecommunications technicians was distributed as follows:
Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers, except line installers | 173,700 |
Telecommunications line installers and repairers | 112,100 |
Radio, cellular, and tower equipment installers and repairers | 13,500 |
The largest employers of telecommunications technicians were as follows:
Telecommunications | 59% |
Specialty trade contractors | 14 |
Heavy and civil engineering construction | 6 |
Professional, scientific, and technical services | 4 |
Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services | 3 |
Some telecom technicians provide installation and repair services indoors, such as in homes, businesses, or central offices. Others work outdoors to install telecommunications cables and equipment.
Telecom technicians’ work may require them to climb onto rooftops; into attics; and up ladders, telephone poles, and telecommunications towers. They occasionally work in cramped spaces and in awkward positions, including stooping, crouching, or crawling. Other times they must reach high or lift and move heavy equipment and parts.
Injuries and Illnesses
The work of telecom technicians can be dangerous. Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers and telecommunications line installers and repairers have some of the highest rates of injuries and illnesses of all occupations. Common injuries include falls and strains.
To reduce the risk of injury, workers wear hardhats and harnesses when working on ladders or on elevated equipment. To prevent electrical shock, technicians may switch off power to equipment that is under repair.
Work Schedules
Most telecom technicians work full time. Telecom technicians may be required to work night or weekend shifts to maintain or upgrade telecommunications equipment. Some are on call around the clock in case of emergency.
Getting Started
How to Become a Telecommunications Technician

Telecommunications technicians typically need at least a high school diploma or equivalent to enter the occupation. Employers may prefer to hire candidates who have a certificate or associate’s degree. These workers also receive on-the-job training.
Telecommunications technicians typically need at least a high school diploma or equivalent. Employers of telecommunications equipment installers and repairers and radio, cellular, and tower equipment installers and repairers may prefer to hire candidates who have some postsecondary education in electronics, telecommunications, or computer networking. Some employers prefer to hire candidates who have an associate’s degree.
Community colleges and technical schools offer courses in subjects such as data transmission systems, data communication, AC/DC electrical circuits, and computer programming. These courses typically are included in programs that lead to a certificate or an associate’s degree in telecommunications or related subjects.
Once hired, telecommunications technicians typically receive on-the-job training that lasts from several months to several years. Training involves a combination of formal instruction and hands-on work with an experienced technician. In these settings, workers learn about the equipment’s internal parts and the tools needed for repair.
Training length and topics vary by position and employer. For example, central office technicians typically receive electrical training. Telecommunications line installers and repairers who work for telecommunications companies may benefit from additional training provided by equipment manufacturers, schools, unions, or industry organizations. Radio, cellular, and tower equipment installers and repairers typically learn subjects such as tower climbing and rescue, electrical skills and concepts, and radio frequency fundamentals.
Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations
Manufacturer or employer-provided certification may be helpful for some telecom technicians. For example, the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers offers the Broadband Telecom Center Specialist (BTCS) certification, and the Fiber Optic Association offers multiple fiber optic certifications for telecommunications line installers and repairers.
Telecom technicians may need a driver’s license to travel to jobsites, and workers who drive heavy vehicles usually need a commercial driver’s license (CDL). Some employers prefer or require that candidates have certification in first aid or in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Contacts for More Information
For information about career, training, and certification opportunities for telecommunications technicians, visit
National Coalition for Telecommunications Education and Learning
Similar Occupations
This table shows a list of occupations with job duties that are similar to those of telecommunications technicians.
Occupation | Job Duties | Entry-Level Education | Median Annual Pay, May 2022 | |
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Broadcast, Sound, and Video Technicians |
Broadcast, sound, and video technicians set up, operate, and maintain the electrical equipment for media programs. |
See How to Become One | $53,960 |
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Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers |
Electrical and electronics installers and repairers install or repair a variety of electrical equipment. |
See How to Become One | $64,190 |
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Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers |
Electrical power-line installers and repairers install or repair cables or wires used in electrical power or distribution systems. |
High school diploma or equivalent | $82,340 |