Teaching Assistants, Preschool, Elementary, Middle, & Secondary School

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Job Outlook:
Little or no change

Job Outlook

Employment of teacher assistants is projected to show little or no change from 2022 to 2032.

Despite limited employment growth, about 151,000 openings for teacher assistants are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Most of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

Education: None
Average: $30,920.00

Summary of What they do:

Assist a preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary school teacher with instructional duties. Serve in a position for which a teacher has primary responsibility for the design and implementation of educational programs and services.

  • Supervise school or student activities.
  • Assist other educational professionals with projects or research.
  • Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
  • Clean facilities or work areas.
  • Maintain clean work areas.
  • Collect deposits, payments or fees.
  • Teach physical education.
  • Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
  • Distribute instructional or library materials.
  • Distribute instructional or library materials.
  • Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
  • Evaluate student work.
  • Maintain student records.
  • Monitor student performance.
  • Teach others to use technology or equipment.
  • Set up classroom materials or equipment.
  • Maintain computer equipment or software.
  • Monitor student performance.
  • Maintain student records.
  • Operate audiovisual equipment.
  • Display student work.
  • Plan educational activities.
  • Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
  • Develop instructional materials.
  • Develop instructional materials.
  • Document lesson plans.
  • Lead classes or community events.
  • Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
  • Supervise school or student activities.
  • Maintain student records.
  • Teach daily living skills or behaviors.
  • Teach life skills.
  • Tutor students who need extra assistance.
  • Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
  • Create technology-based learning materials.
  • What Teacher Assistants Do

    Teacher assistants work with a licensed teacher to give students additional attention and instruction.


    Teacher assistants
    Some teacher assistants work exclusively with special education students who attend traditional classes.

    Teacher assistants typically do the following:

    • Reinforce lessons by reviewing material with students one-on-one or in small groups
    • Follow school and class rules to teach students proper behavior
    • Help teachers with recordkeeping, such as taking attendance and calculating grades
    • Get equipment or materials ready to help teachers prepare for lessons
    • Supervise students outside of the classroom, such as between classes, during lunch and recess, and on field trips

    Teacher assistants also are called teacher aides, instructional aides, paraprofessionals, education assistants, and paraeducators.

    Teacher assistants work with or under the guidance of a licensed teacher. Reviewing with students individually or in small groups, teacher assistants help reinforce the lessons that teachers introduce.

    Teacher assistants may provide feedback to teachers for monitoring student progress. Some teacher assistants meet regularly with teachers to discuss lesson plans and students’ development.

    Some teacher assistants work only with special education students.  When special education students attend regular classes, these teacher assistants help them understand the material and adapt the information to their learning style. Teacher assistants may also work with students who have severe disabilities in separate classrooms. They help these students with basic needs, such as eating or personal hygiene. Teacher assistants may help young adults with disabilities to learn skills necessary for finding a job or living independently after graduation.

    Some teacher assistants help in specific areas. For example, they may work in a computer laboratory, helping students use programs or software. Others may work as cafeteria attendants, supervising students during lunchtime.

    Teacher assistants in childcare centers work with a lead teacher to provide individualized attention that young children need. They help with educational activities, supervise the children at play, and help with feeding and other basic care.

    Important Qualities

    Communication skills. Teacher assistants need to be clear and concise in discussing student progress with teachers and parents.

    Interpersonal skills. Teacher assistants must be able to develop relationships with a variety of people, including teachers, students, parents, and administrators.

    Patience. Working with students of different abilities and backgrounds may be difficult. Teacher assistants must be understanding with students.

    Resourcefulness. Teacher assistants must find ways to explain information to students who have different learning styles.

    Tasks On The Job

    1. Assist in bus loading and unloading.
    2. Assist librarians in school libraries.
    3. Attend staff meetings and serve on committees, as required.
    4. Clean classrooms.
    5. Collect money from students for school-related projects.
    6. Conduct demonstrations to teach skills, such as sports, dancing, and handicrafts.
    7. Discuss assigned duties with classroom teachers to coordinate instructional efforts.
    8. Distribute teaching materials, such as textbooks, workbooks, papers, and pencils, to students.
    9. Distribute tests and homework assignments and collect them when they are completed.
    10. Enforce administration policies and rules governing students.
    11. Grade homework and tests, and compute and record results, using answer sheets or electronic marking devices.
    12. Instruct and monitor students in the use and care of equipment and materials to prevent injuries and damage.
    13. Laminate teaching materials to increase their durability under repeated use.
    14. Maintain computers in classrooms and laboratories, and assist students with hardware and software use.
    15. Observe students' performance, and record relevant data to assess progress.
    16. Operate and maintain audio-visual equipment.
    17. Organize and label materials and display students' work in a manner appropriate for their eye levels and perceptual skills.
    18. Organize and supervise games and other recreational activities to promote physical, mental, and social development.
    19. Participate in teacher-parent conferences regarding students' progress or problems.
    20. Plan, prepare, and develop various teaching aids, such as bibliographies, charts, and graphs.
    21. Prepare lesson materials, bulletin board displays, exhibits, equipment, and demonstrations.
    22. Prepare lesson outlines and plans in assigned subject areas and submit outlines to teachers for review.
    23. Present subject matter to students under the direction and guidance of teachers, using lectures, discussions, supervised role-playing methods, or by reading aloud.
    24. Requisition and stock teaching materials and supplies.
    25. Supervise students in classrooms, halls, cafeterias, school yards, and gymnasiums, or on field trips.
    26. Take class attendance and maintain attendance records.
    27. Teach social skills to students.
    28. Tutor and assist children individually or in small groups to help them master assignments and to reinforce learning concepts presented by teachers.
    29. Type, file, and duplicate materials.
    30. Use computers, audio-visual aids, and other equipment and materials to supplement presentations.

    Work Environment

    Teacher assistants
    Some teacher assistants work in specific locations within schools, such as libraries.

    Teacher assistants held about 1.3 million jobs in 2022. The largest employers of teacher assistants were as follows:

    Elementary and secondary schools; local 73%
    Child day care services 10
    Elementary and secondary schools; private 9

    Teacher assistants may spend some time outside, when students are at recess or getting on and off the bus. They may need to lift the students at certain times.

    Injuries and Illnesses

    Teacher assistants sometimes get injured on the job. They actively work with students, including lifting and otherwise assisting special education students, which can place them at risk for injuries such as strains.

    Work Schedules

    Most teacher assistants work full time, although part-time work is common. Some monitor students on school buses before and after school. Many teacher assistants do not work during the summer; however, some work in year-round schools or assist teachers in summer school.

    Getting Started

    How to Become a Teacher Assistant

    Teacher assistants
    Teacher assistants reinforce lessons presented in class by reviewing material with students one-on-one or in small groups.

    To enter the occupation, teacher assistants typically need to have completed at least 2 years of college coursework.


    Teacher assistants in public schools need at least 2 years of college coursework or an associate’s degree. Those who work in schools with a Title 1 program (a federal program for schools that have a large proportion of students from low-income households) must have at least a 2-year degree, 2 years of college, or pass a state or local assessment.

    Associate’s degree programs for teacher assistants prepare participants to develop educational materials, observe students, and understand the role of teaching assistants in working with classroom teachers.

    Some teacher assistants have a bachelor's degree in fields such as education and psychology.

    Most states require teacher assistants who work with special-needs students to pass a skills test.

    Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations

    Some jobs may require staff to have certifications in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid.


    Teacher assistants may become a kindergarten and elementary school teacher, middle school teacher, high school teacher, or special education teacher upon obtaining additional education, training, and a license or certification.

    Contacts for More Information

    For more information about teacher assistants, visit

    National Education Association

    American Federation of Teachers

    National Resource Center for Paraeducators

    Similar Occupations

    This table shows a list of occupations with job duties that are similar to those of teacher assistants.

    Occupation Job Duties Entry-Level Education Median Annual Pay, May 2022
    Career and technical education teachers Career and Technical Education Teachers

    Career and technical education teachers instruct students in various technical and vocational subjects, such as auto repair, healthcare, and culinary arts.

    Bachelor's degree $61,450
    Child care workers Childcare Workers

    Childcare workers attend to children's needs while helping to foster early development.

    High school diploma or equivalent $28,520
    High school teachers High School Teachers

    High school teachers teach academic lessons and various skills that students will need to attend college and to enter the job market.

    Bachelor's degree $62,360
    Kindergarten and elementary school teachers Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers

    Kindergarten and elementary school teachers instruct young students in basic subjects in order to prepare them for future schooling.

    Bachelor's degree $61,620
    Library technicians and assistants Library Technicians and Assistants

    Library technicians and assistants help librarians with all aspects of running a library.

    See How to Become One $35,280
    Middle school teachers Middle School Teachers

    Middle school teachers educate students, typically in sixth through eighth grades.

    Bachelor's degree $61,810
    Occupational therapy assistants and aides Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides

    Occupational therapy assistants and aides help patients develop, recover, improve, as well as maintain the skills needed for daily living and working.

    See How to Become One $63,450
    Preschool teachers Preschool Teachers

    Preschool teachers educate and care for children younger than age 5 who have not yet entered kindergarten.

    Associate's degree $35,330
    Special education teachers Special Education Teachers

    Special education teachers work with students who have a wide range of learning, mental, emotional, and physical disabilities.

    Bachelor's degree $62,950

    Information provided by CareerFitter, LLC and other sources.

    Sections of this page includes information from the O*NET 27.3 Database by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license.

    CareerFitter, LLC has modified all or some of this information. USDOL/ETA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.