Security Management Specialists
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Job Outlook:
Bachelor's degree
Summary of What they do:
Conduct security assessments for organizations, and design security systems and processes. May specialize in areas such as physical security or the safety of employees and facilities.
Tasks On The Job
- Assess the nature and level of physical security threats so that the scope of the problem can be determined.
- Budget and schedule security design work.
- Conduct security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities related to physical security or staff safety.
- Design, implement, or establish requirements for security systems, video surveillance, motion detection, or closed-circuit television systems to ensure proper installation and operation.
- Design security policies, programs, or practices to ensure adequate security relating to alarm response, access card use, and other security needs.
- Develop conceptual designs of security systems.
- Develop or review specifications for design or construction of security systems.
- Engineer, install, maintain, or repair security systems, programmable logic controls, or other security-related electronic systems.
- Inspect fire, intruder detection, or other security systems.
- Inspect physical security design features, installations, or programs to ensure compliance with applicable standards or regulations.
- Interview witnesses or suspects to identify persons responsible for security breaches or to establish losses, pursue prosecutions, or obtain restitution.
- Monitor tapes or digital recordings to identify the source of losses.
- Monitor the work of contractors in the design, construction, and startup phases of security systems.
- Outline system security criteria for pre-bid meetings with clients and companies to ensure comprehensiveness and appropriateness for implementation.
- Perform risk analyses so that appropriate countermeasures can be developed.
- Prepare documentation for case reports or court proceedings.
- Prepare, maintain, or update security procedures, security system drawings, or related documentation.
- Provide system design and integration recommendations.
- Recommend improvements in security systems or procedures.
- Respond to emergency situations on an on-call basis.
- Review design drawings or technical documents for completeness, correctness, or appropriateness.
- Test security measures for final acceptance and implement or provide procedures for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the measures.
- Train personnel in security procedures or use of security equipment.