Histology Technicians
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Job Outlook:
Not Available
Summary of What they do:
Prepare histological slides from tissue sections for microscopic examination and diagnosis by pathologists. May assist with research studies.
Tasks On The Job
- Archive diagnostic material, such as histologic slides and blocks.
- Cut sections of body tissues for microscopic examination, using microtomes.
- Embed tissue specimens into paraffin wax blocks, or infiltrate tissue specimens with wax.
- Freeze tissue specimens.
- Maintain laboratory equipment, such as microscopes, mass spectrometers, microtomes, immunostainers, tissue processors, embedding centers, and water baths.
- Mount tissue specimens on glass slides.
- Operate computerized laboratory equipment to dehydrate, decalcify, or microincinerate tissue samples.
- Stain tissue specimens with dyes or other chemicals to make cell details visible under microscopes.